Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Holiday- Waterside park, Paignton, Cornwall

9th August- 14th August 

The Lodge         


 Day 1
Ok so today we had a nice morning in the pool, the sun was out and it was surprisingly warm for a day that was forecast a hurricane. When we got bored with swimming we came back to the lodge for lunch, and then decided to walk to Goodrington to make the most of the sun. We had a really cute walk along the sea wall and there was even a small local music festival which was really enjoyable with a nice ice cream on the seafront.

He's clearly never seen Titanic.

Day 2

Today we took a trip to Kent’s Cavern in Torquay; I was expecting a slightly complacent tour guide (because they always get bitchy with you when you ask them questions) and an extremely limited look at the caves because, well, you’re entering rock forms that could literally fall and crush you at any second. But to my surprise we saw some amazing parts of the caves and our tour guide was genuinely hilarious and managed to entertain both the children and adults with information about the caves and some well thought out cave puns.

Outside the caves there was a woodland trail, and in the interest of getting our money/ Tesco vouchers worth we decided to walk around it, despite the imminent danger of rain. Along the way there was one of those stocks things where you put your face and hands through the gaps and pretend you don’t realise you look like an idiot when everyone laughs at you… of course my dad took this as his calling and of course I had to take pictures.

Day 3

BEACH!!! Even though we are only a 5 minute walk to the nearest beach from the lodge, we decided to travel a little further afield to Bigbury-on-sea which is where we used to go to as kids. So half an hour later we got there but ended up just sat in the car for another 20 minutes, hiding from the rain. After it had cleared up just enough for us to be able to get out of the car without it looking like we had all just been swimming, we hauled all of our crap down the steps and set up our stuff by some rocks. Undeterred by the rain we had a couple of games of beach football, which went well, other than the fact I managed to splash wet sand EVERYWHERE. When everyone had finished their lunch and the rain had died down again, Karen and I walked up to the top of the cliff next to us. When the tide is out and the causeway disappears it becomes an island, but luckily for us the tide was still on its way out so there was no risk of becoming stranded. As soon as we got back to everyone else though, the heavens opened and it rained non-stop for half an hour, we all had to huddle up into the pop-up beach tent and wait for it to pass. However it was pretty funny because we spent most of our time trying to figure out who farted. The rain eventually settled and we all ran back to the car, where I attempted to change my jeans on the back seat… it was successful but I elbowed Jordi in the face.

 Day 4
Today we went to the BIG SHEEP!!! It was the best day of the holiday so far! I love it there so much because everything is exactly the same as it was when I went there when I was younger. Me, Dad and Jordi went to the outdoor laser tag area where we got ready for 30 minutes of running around emphatically trying to both hide from everyone and shoot everyone at the same time. After we picked up the biggest and heaviest guns we could find, we all sprinted off to find the best ‘sniper spot’. We clearly had no game plan because we all ran off in different directions and ended up alone and vulnerable to attack. So after about 5 minutes I had already lost my 10 lives. Luckily we paid for unlimited lives so I went to get more. I then returned to my hiding spot, which was a helicopter strategically placed on a huge rock right in the middle of the combat area… inconspicuous, I thought. Once I realised this wasn’t the best place to hide, I went to find allies! Upon my journey I somehow acquired the most annoying enemy (he looked about 7 years old) who made it his mission to make me constantly run out of lives before I could get anywhere. I would go back to the main entrance to get more lives, then turn around to run back, and before I’d even moved 5 paces he’d shoot me and I’d run out of lives again. This continued for about 10 minutes until I stopped and waited for him to get bored and run off again. I finally made my way back into the combat zone and found Jordi and Dad, so I could actually feel like I accomplished something, but after 5 minutes of feeling invincible, our 30 minutes were up… typical.
Later on we queued up for the swan paddle boats and started eating our lunch. As luck would have it, it started raining, but fortunately it wasn’t that heavy so we waited it out and by the time we got on our swan boats it was brightening up again! Jordi and I somehow managed to turn our peddle boat into a dodgem car, chasing Dad and Karen around the lake island while Martha laughed in hysterics sat in-between them in the boat. We eventually settled down and returned the boats to the dock, and spend the rest of the afternoon watching the famous Big Sheep ‘Sheep Show’ and spectating the sheep race, for which we won a prize for betting for the winner!
Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures while we were there because I was too busy learning about sheep.
However, later on that day we went out to Appledore to get fish and chips for tea and I took some pictures of the food advertising van and our surroundings, because it was so pretty.

Day 5

We cycled down to Brixham today, it’s a choice I regret because I didn’t realise how steep the hills were and the pain was excruciating. However it was fun when we got there, because we each bought a massive 3 scoop ice cream which was literally piled to the sky. It was delicious. We stayed in Brixham until it got dark because there was a firework show that evening.  Once it had started we all sat on the dock watching them, and I can honestly say it was one of the best firework displays I’ve ever seen. The bright colours reflected off of the water and it looked amazing! It was comparable to London at New Year’s Eve. Plus the moon looked really cool.

 Day 6
We set off early this morning to get to where we were going for when it opened. As we have a national trust membership we thought “why not use it while we can?” So on our last day we went to Colton Fishacre, which is a huge 1920/30s mansion and its surrounding gardens, which stretch for miles. It was absolutely beautiful, so I think pictures are the best way to describe it.


Sunday, 30 November 2014

Deaf v.s. Blind

I was having a chat with some friends a while ago and we managed to stumble onto the discussion of whether you would rather be deaf or blind, which, is an unusually deep topic for my friends because our conversations at lunchtime normally consist of sassy comebacks and ‘good banter’.

Anyway, I took the conversation literally, and started imagining I was actually deaf or blind which really got thinking about my answer. After a lot of consideration, midnight thinking and asking my mother, I have come to the conclusion my answer would have to be blind.

Almost everyone disagreed with me, including my mother, which is understandable because there are a lot of benefits to having eyesight; walking in a straight line being one of them. Of course there are other benefits too like, seeing people you love, watching films, seeing people smile, making a cup of tea without pouring hot water on yourself and indefinitely causing 3rd degree burns, putting on makeup (accurately), and a lot of other things that people take for granted. But one of the most important things that I think about when imagining I was blind would be a loss of independence, because even though after time you would learn where things are in your house or you would have a stick or guide dog to be able to cross the street, there would still be a huge amount of things you could no longer do alone or do at all.

If there is one thing I’ve wanted to do my entire life, it would be travelling. For as long as I can remember (excuse the cliché) I’ve wanted to travel the world, to go everywhere, and see everything, which obviously is an issue if I can’t actually see. But as much as I want to see the world I’d much rather be able to just be there, as an experience, to me that’s far more important. I’d rather hear my friends describe the view to me, than be unable to communicate with them, because even though people can learn sign language, the inability to communicate fluently with everyone I know would kill me more than anything. Even speaking would be out of the question if you were deaf. I mean if you couldn’t hear anything a whole world of language would be lost to you. To be honest it would probably be a blessing for my friends and family because once I start talking I never shut up.

Music is another thing that is completely meaningless if you’re deaf. I love music and without it I would get extremely bored in every car journey, every long walk, every party, every moment spent alone working, every time on the bus when you’re trying your absolute hardest not to make eye contact with any weirdo’s entering the bus so they don’t sit next to you and seriously invade all of your personal space. I don’t know why but I quite like just listening to music alone, that’s pretty much what I’m doing right now while writing this. Being able to name my favourite song or band when people ask me and dancing to those songs is a pleasure I think too many people take for granted. Singing in the car is the highlight of my day sometimes and I am in no way willing to give that up.

I guess the reason so many people wouldn’t chose blind is a safety thing, because of course if you were blind your ability to see what was coming would not exist. This would undoubtedly cause problems if someone was running at you with a knife, but what are the chances of that happening? And if I’m honest even with eyesight I’d be useless in any confrontational situation like that anyway. Again, I can see why people would choose deaf over blind, but on a personal level, I just don’t agree.

To Young to Get Work Done?

I’m all for people doing what they want with their bodies, I’m just not sure if people are getting cosmetic surgery waaaaaayy too young.

I have very conflicting opinions on whether people should just be happy with what they have, or shape themselves to what they want to be, because I feel teenagers are under a lot of internal and external pressures to fit into certain borderlines within society. I’m speaking in purely cosmetic terms when I say surgery, I mean like nose jobs, boob jobs, face lifts and that sort of thing. I know a couple of people who want nose jobs, they are both 17, and I think it’s a terrible idea. When I talk to them about it, the conversation can go one of two ways… Sometimes, I channel my inner rebellious teen, who’s just like “yeah, do what you want, bro!” and sometimes, I’m that overbearing, protective parent who’s just screaming “THINK OF THE CONSEQUENCES!”

Fair enough they are both perfectly capable of making big decisions about their lives, e.g. getting jobs, applying for universities, deciding what to do for the rest of their lives… but these are all decisions you are supposed to mess up. If anything, now is the time to fuck up, because people will just accept that you are young and therefore stupid. But then again these are all fuck ups you can recover from. Obviously, if the job goes THAT BADLY you can get corrective surgery, however, for a nose job, that’s an additional £3,000 on an already expensive £4,000 surgery. But why would you waste your money on something that’s a bad idea in the first place? There is a 50/50 chance that you’ll be pleased with the result and if I’m honest I just don’t think it’s worth it. Being pretty won’t fix your life; pretty people have problems too!

General rule of thumb is, learn to love yourself and accept your flaws. I guess if people feel like they need surgery to achieve this, then go for it, just make sure you do it FOR YOURSELF!